Beyond Zero receives a mobile laboratory

The Beyond Zero Campaign Initiative received a major boost when four International Companies donated a Sh8 million mobile laboratory to the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta on the sidelines of the TICAD conference.

The fully fledged laboratory that has a higher disease diagnostic capacity than a normal basic laboratory was donated through a joint partnership between Toyota Tsusho, Sysmex and Terumo Corporations alongside Eiken Chemical , all from Japan.

Although the laboratory has capacity to diagnose many of the diseases afflicting Kenyans, the facility will largely concentrate on diagnosing blood-related diseases and CD4 counts in informal settlements and other areas where HIV/ AIDS are Prevalent.

The four main components of the laboratory are a full haemogram machine used to check blood constituents (haemoglobin, neutrophils and mixed cells); clinical chemistry machine for checking renal function, liver function and lipid profile among others; CD4 machine to monitor levels of CD4 in seropositive patients; and microscope with flow cytometry.

The four companies are also considering a formal engagement with Beyond Zero to provide maintenance accessories for the laboratory and all the necessary reagents for a couple of months – to complete the donation.