Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta, attends the World Assembly for Women 2015 in Tokyo, Japan
During the conference held on 28th and 29th August 2015 in Tokyo, Japan, Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta, the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, engaged in panel discussion on Girls’ Education. The aim of the World Assembly for Women Conference was to promote the dynamic engagement of women in all spheres of the economy. Her Exellency noted that Kenya has made significant progress towards education and equality of the girl child. Already, Kenya is witnessing a catalytic effect on the other social economic indicators as a result of investments in girl child education thereby contributing to gender gap reduction.
The conference, which is in its second year, was opened by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who is also the brain-child of the WAW movement. He regretted that despite Japan been a science and technological oriented country it faces similar challenges like developed counties as women shy away from sciences and technical courses. Its theme was creating a society where women shine in Japan and the world.
Her Excellency the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya observed that Mr Shinzo said the aim of WAW is to promote the dynamic engagement of women in all spheres of society adding that “Abeconomics” does not stop at the borders of Japan the aim of WAW is to promote the dynamic engagement of women in all spheres of society the aim of WAW is to promote the dynamic engagement of women in all spheres of societyincreasing girl’s education improves maternal health as an educated woman is more likely to give birth in a health facility where complications relating to maternal and child deaths can easily be handled. She concluded by remarking that education is import in uplifting the status of women’s families in the community.
The Conference accorded her an opportunity to visit Aiiku Medical Centre in Tokyo Japan that provides high quality maternal and child health care services. She was taken through a guided tour of the hospital to witness types and quality of services offered. It is her hope with support from partners that Beyond Zero Campaign will be able to set up such a facility in Kenya and focus on maternal and child health services.