First Lady Margaret Kenyatta received the visual presentations and artistic impressions of the proposed Beyond Zero model referral hospital that is planned for construction in coming months.
Although the Sh 2.2 billion State-of-the-Art facility incorporates all the features of a modern hospital, the proposed health complex has special features that include the components of wellness, the promotion of the family and takes special care of those with physical and sensory challenges.
The new facility will stand on an area of 20,000 square metres, have a 150-bed capacity, 7-bed Intensive Care Unit and specially land-scaped healing/therapeutic gardens.
The proposed hospital is conceptualized in a modular format that ensures flexibility in terms of location and phased construction and equipping.
Although the new ultra-modern hospital is an all-inclusive facility, it lays special focus on mothers and children with additional facilities for emotional wellness for those rescued from gender violence and Female Genital Mutilation related health issues.
A modern bus station incorporated right outside the doors of the hospital is another key feature of the new facility to ensure quick accessibility by all patients. Other notable features of the proposed hospital is the use of green architecture, maximum use of local natural materials, use of solar energy for lighting and use of treated rain water for its daily operations. The hospital will also have both blood and human milk banks- a new concept in modern hospitals.
The visual impressions of the hospital were presented to the First Lady by architects from Lexicon+ION.