"No woman should die while giving birth."


Maternal Care

Beyond Zero aims to ensure better health outcomes for mother and child, through promoting uptake of antenatal care and skilled delivery.

Obstetric Fistula

Low awareness of obstetric fistula, high rates of stigma, and misconceptions hinder women’s ability to access treatment. Beyond Zero will focus on raising awareness of obstetric fistula, prevention, repair and reintegration of women.
Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B
To contribute towards ending AIDS in children by 2030, Beyond Zero will focus on raising the profile of eMTCT and promoting optimization of HIV care among women of reproductive health age (15-49) years through timely identification, linkage, and retention to care.
Gender-Based Violence
The interventions will focus on strengthening the country’s response to GBV through community-based engagements and monitoring.

Newborn Care

Common causes of neonatal mortality include pre-term birth complications, intrapartum growth restrictions, infections such as tetanus, low birth weight, congenital malformations, and neonatal sepsis, among other factors. Kenya has recorded slow progress in the decline in childhood mortality rates. Interventions will largely target community sensitization, as well as improved infrastructural and human resources capacity to contribute to the reduction in neonatal deaths.
Breast and Cervical Cancer
The huge burden of cancer is compounded by a severely limited capacity for diagnosis, low awareness and uptake of cancer screening, and delays in seeking health services. These factors contribute to late-stage diagnosis and poor treatment outcomes. Interventions will focus on creating awareness and enhancing the capacity for prevention and early detection for better health outcomes.
Mobile Clinics
Medical Safaris
Scholarship Beneficiaries
Half Marathons