"No woman should die while giving birth."

Beyond Zero Mini Medical Safari Report – Kilifi County

Beyond Zero conducted the eigth Medical Safari at Zen International Mines in Gnaze, Kilifi County on 24-25th November 2021. The following services were provided; 

Cervical & breast cancer screening ; The service providers conducted health education on the risk factors, causes, prevention, screening and the importance of regular screening for both breast & cervical cancer. 93 women were screened. 

Prostate cancer screening ; The screening station prioritized health education on sexual reproductive health for all the men. The health talks included information on prostate cancer, risk factors, prevention and the importance of regular screening especially for men over 40 years old. The men were eager to learn and had several interactive health education sessions facilitated by the nurses. 18 men who met the criteria for screening were screened. There were no suspicious cases of prostate cancer. 

HIV testing & counseling, condoms distribution ; HIV testing and counseling as well as distribution of condoms was conducted. 120 people were tested and positive cases linked to care at the nearest health facility; Ganze Health Centre. 

Comprehensive eye care screening ; The services provided included eye consultation, treatment through dispensation of drugs, provision of reading glasses and referrals for prescription glasses and cataract surgeries. 196 workers benefitted from the free eye consultation services while 60 workers received reading glasses for refraction errors correction.

Mobile Clinics
Medical Safaris
Scholarship Beneficiaries
Half Marathons
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