Her Excellency, Margaret Kenyatta, the fourth First Lady of the Republic of Kenya.
Margaret Kenyatta has championed numerous social concerns in health, women and girl empowerment, environment and wildlife. She is best known for Beyond Zero – an Initiative governed by the fundamental belief that “No woman should die while giving life”.
Launched in 2013, Margaret Kenyatta’s work as Founder and Patron has been dedicated to complementing the Government of Kenya’s efforts in the elimination of maternal and child mortality and HIV and AIDS.
Through a unique flagship fundraising initiative dubbed, the First Lady’s Half Marathon, and later rebranded as the Beyond Zero Marathon, the First Lady has raised funds to purchase 52 fully kitted medical mobile clinics, and gifted them across the 47 counties of Kenya. Through the marathons, she has successfully galvanized the public and a broad coalition of partners drawn from the private sector, international organizations and media. The Marathons have also been used as an advocacy platform, amplifying health challenges faced by women and children, especially in marginalized communities.
Margaret Kenyatta is the first and only spouse of a Head of State to run a world marathon; the 42km London Marathon in 2014. Locally, she has run in five Beyond Zero marathons that have drawn over 120,000 participants, running to increase awareness and advocacy for: zero maternal deaths, zero child deaths, zero new HIV infections, repairs for obstetric fistula, early cancer screening, zero FGM and zero child marriage, themed #I will run for her.
Beyond Zero’s brand name locally and internationally, has impacted millions of lives. It has catalyzed action and sustained dialogue contributing to increased awareness, policy action and resource investment.
In her role as First Lady, Margaret Kenyatta has delivered key note speeches and spearheaded community conversations in different forums including: The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW); International Conference on Population and Development 25 (ICPD), International AIDS Conference, 9th Stop Cervical, Breast and Prostate Cancer in Africa, 74th United Nations General Assembly; 72nd World Health Assembly, International Conference of Public Health Nursing, the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Forum, International Conference on Maternal, New-born and Child Health in Africa, International Day of Ending Obstetric Fistula, amongst many others.
In March 2022, the Government of Kenya honored the First Lady by naming a new institute – Margaret Kenyatta Institute for Gender and Social Development (MKI) in recognition of her extraordinary contribution to alleviate the plight of vulnerable and marginalized communities, protection of the environment and championing of various causes on women and girl empowerment. The Institute is located at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi.
Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta’s commitment to advance worthy causes has earned her many international awards.
- United Nations In Kenya Person Of The Year Award During The 69th UN Day. She Made History For Being The Only First Lady Ever To Be Awarded A UN Person Of The Year Award – October 2014.
- Doctor Of Humane Letter Honoris Causa By The Kenyatta University – December 2014.
- Dream Up, Speak Up, Stand Up Award For Promoting Children And Youth Education – December 2015.
- Fellowship Of Honoris Causa Award By South Africa’s Royal College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists (RCOG) – May 2017.
- Eastern Africa Lifetime Achievement Award By The EY Group During The Organization’s Eastern Africa Chapter Entrepreneur Of The Year Award (EOY)– December 2018.
- Health Leaders 2019 Award For Outstanding Advocacy On Global Health Matters By The World Health Organization – May 2019.

Inspiring action; changing lives.
- 1,246,633 people received primary health services through mobile clinics outreaches.
- Over 50,000 participants in the Beyond Zero Half Marathons.
- Over 200 partners mobilized in support of Beyond Zero programs.
- 35 million people reached with health promotion messages.
- Over 450 high level engagements lending voice to key health issues.
- Over 45,000 households reached with free health services through the Medical Safaris.