According to the Menstrual Health in Kenya Country Landscape Analysis ,girls will miss about four days of school each month or an average of 20% of the school year because they are on their period.
Ultimately, this affects their academic performance and retention in school. Disrupted school has been shown to negatively impact the health and well-being of girls and young women whereas staying in school protects girls from early marriages and child motherhood, while reducing HIV risk and other negative outcomes.
Beyond Zero has partnered with the County Government of West Pokot to promote access to safe menstrual hygiene products and raise awareness on menstrual health management in twelve schools in North Pokot sub-county through distribution of period packs and health education on menstrual hygiene.
The project aims to contribute to; the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, and 5 at global level; and the implementation of Kenya’s Menstrual Hygiene Management Policy 2019 – 2030, objectives 2 and 3 by increasing access to safe menstrual hygiene products and information.