Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Morning,
Today, it gives me great pleasure to celebrate with you the achievements of the Beyond Zero
Campaign launched in January 2014.
I am grateful to the Kenyan spirit of collaboration and giving, which has made the present milestones of the
“Beyond Zero” Campaign achievable.
However, Kenya continues to rank in the top-ten African countries, where maternal health and child mortality
lags. Kenya, is perceived as one of the most dangerous countries for a woman to be pregnant, and give birth –
over 5,500 women die annually as a result of pregnancy related complications.
Child mortality data, reported in the 2014 Kenya Demographic Health Survey, indicates that Nairobi has the
2nd highest mortality for children under-five. That one, out of twenty-six Kenyan children, die before reaching
the age of one year. And one, in nineteen Kenyan children, do not live to celebrate their fifth birthday.
This is unacceptable! The Campaign remains a high priority initiative today, as it was two years ago.
Together ladies and gentlemen, we have an opportunity to leap-frog the efforts made over the past years in
improving healthcare delivery in Kenya.
Together, we can inspire the importance of collective action and responsibility. Our focus, must be to pull
together innovative ideas and approaches; introduce smarter, scalable and sustainable models, to address the
deplorable high numbers of maternal and child deaths in this country.
Together, we must galvanise our efforts, and look forward in order to address the issues that continue to
challenge us.
My commitment to the Beyond Zero Campaign, and my resolve to keep running has not faltered.
Neither has my pledge to help accelerate maternal and child health service delivery and to create awareness
on the importance of healthy living.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
I run, because the funds raised through the First Lady’s Half Marathon, have made a difference to Monica
Otieno in Homa Bay. Today, she is assured of monthly visits by the mobile clinic, and immunization for her new
born child.
I run, because Mary Chepkirui in Narok, safely delivered her baby in the Beyond Zero mobile clinic.
I run, because Margaret Chizi from Taita Taveta, can access anti-natal services for her new born baby
Eunice, at the Beyond Zero mobile clinic.
I run, because it is my deepest desire to transform the life of Kenyan communities by ensuring that we
achieve Zero preventable child and maternal deaths. Zero new HIV cases, and 100% immunization of babies
against childhood diseases.
I run, because more needs to be done!!
Ladies and Gentlemen.
To date, the Campaign has raised more than 540 million Kenya Shillings, and received donations in kind of
medical equipment and kits. We have delivered 36 mobile clinics across 36 out of 47 counties. The unique
private-public sector partnership, individual philanthropists, the media, the UN family, National and County
governments have all contributed to these milestones.
Today, we present to you the Beyond Zero Technical Report, which captures the Campaign story – the
challenges, the accomplishments and the setbacks. I welcome you to read it and identify areas of
collaboration and interest.
Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, I launch the 3rd Edition of the First Lady’s Half Marathon 2016. On March 6th I will run to heighten
awareness, widen our partnerships, resources and increase collective action to accelerate the efforts towards
the goal of Zero preventable deaths by 2030.
I look forward to your support and participation.
God bless you, God bless Kenya!