8 March, 2018. Today, we join the world in celebrating the International Women’s Day. Indeed, it gives me great joy to join other champions in honoring women and acknowledging the great value and contribution they make in society.
I am fortunate to belong to a country that recognizes the pivotal role that women play in building our nation. Our Constitution is a powerful legal framework that incorporates progressive gender equality provisions that prioritize the status of women, their inclusivity and protection of their rights. Indeed, Kenya places great credence in women’s participation in different political, social, cultural and economic spaces. As a result, the country continues to churn out great female leaders who are recognized nationally, regionally and globally. These women are great sources of inspiration and pride for us. I believe that the creation of more supportive spaces –including policies and legislations for women’s empowerment will accelerate our attainment of various development objectives, including those stipulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
I however do recognize various challenges that many women in Kenya still face, where incidents of gender inequality and discrimination against them are worryingly prevalent. Some areas have high illiteracy rates among women, they are unable to access proper healthcare, are victims of abuse and gender-based violence, are married off early, subjected to harmful cultural practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and suffer other forms of inequality. This kind of discrimination only pushes women deeper into the echelons of poverty, rendering them unable to meaningfully contribute to development processes.
Yet, there are immense benefits of investing in women. When a woman is empowered, the entire society is empowered. It is for this reason that I urge us to support women to achieve their full potential by protecting their rights and enhancing their participation in development.
Let us endeavor to ensure that ‘no woman is left behind’, and this we will achieve by eliminating all barriers that hinder their progression. It is my desire to see a society where we are all committed to improving the livelihoods and well-being of our mothers and daughters. This, I believe we can achieve.
I thank you.
First Lady of Kenya, Her Excellency Margaret Kenyatta.